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Conquering Canons


Canons are an important first step in learning to play contrapuntal music and these canons provide a much needed element of fun in guiding students towards fluency and the requisite independence of the melodic lines.


See full description below for further information.

Canons are an important first step in learning to play contrapuntal music and these canons provide a much needed element of fun in guiding students towards fluency and the requisite independence of the melodic lines.


Most of the canons in this collection sit at an early to mid intermediate level although one or two may be a little simpler.  Overall, this collection should be viewed as an experiential journey through the art of canonic playing.


Late Elementary to Early and Mid Intermediate levels

1st, 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade AMEB/ANZCA

2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade ABRSM


See Album page for overview and practice suggestions.


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Conquering Canons