The Music of Jocelyn Kotchie
Composer * Songwriter * Poet * Author * Educator
About Jocelyn
All about Jocelyn, her philosophy and an overview of the styles and genres in which she writes
Catalogue of Works
Complete collection of Jocelyn's works with recordings and links to purchase
Video tutorials offer teachers and students strategies and support in teaching and learning her educational music
Sample Recordings
A chosen selection of works gives an overview of Jocelyn's style of writing
Instrumental Works
- solo & ensemble
Browse all available instrumental works by grade and by instrument
Graded Piano Works
An extensive list from early elementary to late advanced levels including levels for AMEB, ANZCA and ABRSM.
Includes recordings and links to purchase.
Piano Duets
Browse and listen to Piano Duets from Beginner to Advanced levels ...
includes links to purchase
Vocal Music
Large range of choral, solo and ensemble vocal music

Classroom Music
Music suitable for Primary and Secondary school classrooms ... includes vocal, percussion and other popular instruments which may be used in a classroom setting
Contact Jocelyn or her publishers
Questions relating to performance or teaching of Jocelyn's works are welcomed as are general questions from students.
for information on lessons in
piano, theory, aural development,
composition and songwriting,
pedagogy for teachers
“The three pieces by Jocelyn - Raindrops on the Window, Circus Invention and Tip-Toe Tango, are three of the finest piano pieces for children I have ever seen or heard. They are gems!
They are conceptions complete in themselves, the writing is economical, elegant and assured and they tell me she has a fine, balanced and unerring ear.
Very very impressive!”
Very very impressive!”

Phillip Wilcher